Alexander Kraus:
In the woods
Alexander Kraus:
Castle Oberbrunn
Alexander Kraus:
Surprising encounter
Alexander Kraus:
Bansee islet
Alexander Kraus:
Seeon Abbey
Alexander Kraus:
Alexander Kraus:
View towards Alps
Alexander Kraus:
Greater musk-mallow / Rosen-Malve (Malva alcea)
Alexander Kraus:
Clematis tangutica in my garden
Alexander Kraus:
Hilgerhof near Pittenhart
Alexander Kraus:
Bunter Hohlzahn (Galeopsis speciosa)
Alexander Kraus:
Bunter Hohlzahn (Galeopsis speciosa)
Alexander Kraus:
Silver-washed fritillary / Kaisermantel (Argynnis paphia)
Alexander Kraus:
Hairy willowherb / Zottiges Weidenröschen (Epilobium hirsutum)
Alexander Kraus:
Water mint /Bach-Minze (Mentha aquatica) + Nodding bur-marigold / Nickender Zweizahn (Bidens cernua)
Alexander Kraus:
Greater musk-mallow / Rosen-Malve (Malva alcea)
Alexander Kraus:
Spotted Loosestrife / Gilbweiderich (Lysimachia punctata)
Alexander Kraus:
Spotted Loosestrife / Gilbweiderich (Lysimachia punctata)
Alexander Kraus:
Edible frog / Teichfrosch (Pelophylax esculentus)
Alexander Kraus:
View towards the Alps (near Oberbrunn)
Alexander Kraus:
Berg-Feldwespe (Polistes biglumis)
Alexander Kraus:
View towards the Wilder Kaiser mountain range
Alexander Kraus:
View towards the Wilder Kaiser mountain range
Alexander Kraus:
Dock bug / Lederwanze (Coreus mardinatus)
Alexander Kraus:
Dock bug / Lederwanze (Coreus mardinatus)
Alexander Kraus:
Common drone fly / Mistbiene (Eristalis tenax)
Alexander Kraus:
Wasp spider with prey / Wespenspinne mit Beute
Alexander Kraus:
Fleischfliege (Sarcophaga spec.)
Alexander Kraus:
Crab spider / Veränderliche Kabbenspinne (Misumena vatia)
Alexander Kraus:
Gemeine Furchenbiene (Lasioglossum calceatum)?