Alex1N: More Japanese of greenery out the front of the transit hotel. Midori.
Alex1N: Nice comfy Boeing 777 at SYD, waiting for boarding for flight to Narita, Japan
Alex1N: Qantas 747-400 at SYD, just after sunrise. Tokyo was wet when we got there; London was wet when we got there; Edinburgh was dry
Alex1N: As I said, Tokyo was wet. Carpark and greenery out the front of the hotel
Alex1N: Overwhelmingly green, almost. Also Very Humid.
Alex1N: More Japanese of greenery out the front of the transit hotel. Midori.
Alex1N: Roof, Tokyo Haneda Airport
Alex1N: Another roof shot, Tokyo Haneda Airport
Alex1N: Terminal building roof, Haneda Airport
Alex1N: Another view inside Haneda Airport
Alex1N: Waiting to board the Boeing 777-300 to London Heathrow
Alex1N: Another view of the Haneda Terminal roof
Alex1N: Somewhere over Russia(?)
Alex1N: Yet another part of Haneda Airport roof
Alex1N: Over Russia again
Alex1N: A Russian river
Alex1N: 777-300 seat pocket, en route to the UK
Alex1N: Another view of montane snow-melting patterns
Alex1N: Another mountain-range photo
Alex1N: View from 777-300 window over Russia
Alex1N: Finland's surface seems to be about 50 % water...
Alex1N: Over Finland, this time
Alex1N: Finland, again
Alex1N: Terminal 5, London Heathrow - with nascent queue
Alex1N: The LH5 T5 queue got a *lot* longer - and slower...
Alex1N: LHR T5 roof
Alex1N: Model boat at Channing's, Edinburgh - Sir Earnest Shackleton's former residence (Channing's, that is ;)
Alex1N: Another model boat at Channing's
Alex1N: Closer-up view of model fishing boat
Alex1N: Close-up snap of fishing boat's rigging, Channing's