Alex-Q: 06180749 Rain drops on leaf. Samsung NX100. 20-50 Samsung lens
Alex-Q: 07121422 Ready to bloom. Orikkor 50mm
Alex-Q: 07121427 White flower. Orikkor 50mm
Alex-Q: 07251961 Orange flower. Cosinon 50mm
Alex-Q: 07262127 Yellow flower. Cosinon 50mm
Alex-Q: 08022307 Little blue flower and rain drop. Helios 44-2
Alex-Q: 08022314 Yellow flower. Helios 44-2
Alex-Q: 08032388 Ready to bloom. Sirius 28mm
Alex-Q: 08032391 White flower. Sirius 28mm
Alex-Q: 08032394 Orange flower. Sirius 28mm
Alex-Q: 08262990 Big yellow flower. Pentacon 29mm
Alex-Q: 08252972 Orange flowers. Pentacon 29mm