alev.adil: living in the time machine
alev.adil: corrupted memory 2
alev.adil: a line of flight
alev.adil: blue
alev.adil: shadows in the time machine
alev.adil: corrupted memory 5
alev.adil: crying self portrait
alev.adil: corrupted memory 6
alev.adil: with my father
alev.adil: ghosts in the time machine
alev.adil: eurydice
alev.adil: don't look back
alev.adil: self portrait as a multple
alev.adil: don't look back in the time machine
alev.adil: the self in the time machine
alev.adil: corrupted memory 3
alev.adil: silenced declamation
alev.adil: ideology
alev.adil: at war
alev.adil: your lover your mother
alev.adil: something to do with..
alev.adil: the colour yellow
alev.adil: something yellow
alev.adil: my mother
alev.adil: end of the spool
alev.adil: memory
alev.adil: electric blue
alev.adil: a kind of blue
alev.adil: memory in the dead zone act 2
alev.adil: memory in the dead zone act 2 behind the curtain