Alethea A: Just the three of us
Alethea A: Arthur discovered his inner guard dog
Alethea A: Keel and Blake
Alethea A: That face
Alethea A: Fetal
Alethea A: Caribou hide sunbathing
Alethea A: First diaper change at home
Alethea A: First day at home
Alethea A: Jay and Lana at the hospital
Alethea A: Blake meets Keel
Alethea A: Keel's first hours
Alethea A: Sweetest little bun ever
Alethea A: Robbyn meets Keel
Alethea A: First night
Alethea A: Bruce and Keel
Alethea A: Bird face
Alethea A: Thinking