Urban Tomb Raider: come closer, friend
Urban Tomb Raider: last opportunity
Urban Tomb Raider: fading red
Urban Tomb Raider: surgery staircase
Urban Tomb Raider: the roof, the roof, the roof was on fire
Urban Tomb Raider: there was a mural here. it's gone now.
Urban Tomb Raider: "strange showers"
Urban Tomb Raider: they burnt you right after
Urban Tomb Raider: i am still alive
Urban Tomb Raider: jump-scare building
Urban Tomb Raider: the (in)famous triplets of old lady m.
Urban Tomb Raider: main entrance and staircase
Urban Tomb Raider: the small surgery
Urban Tomb Raider: shot this every visit, my ps3-background since 2009... now burnt beyond recognition