Alessandro Laporta Photographer:
Big boobs @ Burano
Alessandro Laporta Photographer:
Couple of Anas platyrhynchos
Alessandro Laporta Photographer:
Hotel Gat Rossio - Lisboa
Alessandro Laporta Photographer:
W.I.N.D. "showcase live @ La Feltrinelli (Udine)"
Alessandro Laporta Photographer:
Catedral de Lisboa - Santa Maria Maior de Lisboa - Portugal
Alessandro Laporta Photographer:
Faggeta - Fagus Sylvatica (ASFERICO 2011 - Composition and forms category winner - Foto vincitrice della categoria COMPOSIZIONE e FORME del concorso fotografico ASFERICO 2011)
Alessandro Laporta Photographer:
Lady Dafne
Alessandro Laporta Photographer:
Merops apiaster
Alessandro Laporta Photographer:
Bee-eater's Lunch
Alessandro Laporta Photographer:
Parus major "The Battle"
Alessandro Laporta Photographer:
Canon EOS-1D X @ Symposium Canon 2011
Alessandro Laporta Photographer:
Sacca degli Scardovari
Alessandro Laporta Photographer:
Upupa epops
Alessandro Laporta Photographer:
Fishing Net at Sunset (First prize in the contest Obiettivo Laguna, category "Marano and its Lagoon")
Alessandro Laporta Photographer:
"Mister Dicembre" Calendario A.ST.O.R.E. 2013 by Anas platyrhynchos ♂