Alegrya: all wrapped up
Alegrya: all wrapped up
Alegrya: baked turducken ready for the eating
Alegrya: cornbread stuffing
Alegrya: cross section
Alegrya: cross section again
Alegrya: layer two
Alegrya: looks like abe
Alegrya: meat stuffing
Alegrya: preparation
Alegrya: putting it all together
Alegrya: vegatable seasoning
Alegrya: 1 leg coming up
Alegrya: 3 chefs
Alegrya: almost expert
Alegrya: almost there
Alegrya: baby's all sewn up
Alegrya: blurry but shiney
Alegrya: chicken carnage
Alegrya: creepy ribs
Alegrya: cross-section
Alegrya: delicate operation
Alegrya: Duck goes squirty
Alegrya: Dylan loves duck
Alegrya: First Cut's always the hardest
Alegrya: First you gotta toast the bread
Alegrya: Fly duck fly
Alegrya: Ingredients for FUN
Alegrya: Mmmmoven
Alegrya: Scott and Wayne read it up