aleczab: clamps
aleczab: the machine
aleczab: looking across the park
aleczab: clamps 2
aleczab: gumball machine
aleczab: scary pig
aleczab: two good men
aleczab: gumball machines
aleczab: icy fire escape
aleczab: roses and water pitcher
aleczab: snow on branches
aleczab: last week's roses
aleczab: sidewalk cart
aleczab: twisted tree
aleczab: on Third Avenue
aleczab: numbers and letters
aleczab: old letters
aleczab: sleepy start
aleczab: spring crocuses
aleczab: spring branches
aleczab: a riot of tulips
aleczab: at the bottom of the slide
aleczab: carousel 2
aleczab: carousel 1
aleczab: '75 Plymouth Valiant #2
aleczab: '75 Plymouth Valiant #1