Alessandro Cerè: Guardian of the hole
Alessandro Cerè: Soft coral crab
Alessandro Cerè: Nebrotha Cristata
Alessandro Cerè: Shortfin portrait
Alessandro Cerè: So tiny and colorful
Alessandro Cerè: Big claw and tiny lobster
Alessandro Cerè: Radiant beauty
Alessandro Cerè: Enjoying the shade
Alessandro Cerè: So organge that I almost missed you
Alessandro Cerè: Brief glance
Alessandro Cerè: White cuttlefish
Alessandro Cerè: Across the desert
Alessandro Cerè: Punk lobster
Alessandro Cerè: Doto Ussi with eggs
Alessandro Cerè: -ACere-5184 x 3456.jpg
Alessandro Cerè: Cuttle on orange
Alessandro Cerè: Cuttle on orange
Alessandro Cerè: Parenting - Lembeh style
Alessandro Cerè: Young but full of spirit
Alessandro Cerè: Young but full of spirit
Alessandro Cerè: Attentive Armina
Alessandro Cerè: Flow like an algae
Alessandro Cerè: Sharing the same sea urchin
Alessandro Cerè: Crab and cucumber pattern matching
Alessandro Cerè: Swimming in the starry waters
Alessandro Cerè: Mr fantastic
Alessandro Cerè: Big mouth for big hunger
Alessandro Cerè: Hairy frogfish
Alessandro Cerè: Big mouth for big hunger