Aldous: 34th St. in Baltimore, all alight in holiday cheer
Aldous: Hampden choo-choo
Aldous: Hampden blur
Aldous: Hampden blur 2
Aldous: Stairway to heaven
Aldous: Bizarro Disney Christmas
Aldous: Hampden tree blur
Aldous: Behold! The giant candy canes cometh!
Aldous: Carly & Kev
Aldous: Yay! Japanese Christmas lights!
Aldous: Blue spiral
Aldous: Portrait of modern holiday diversity: The Holy Family all aglow, living upstairs from the gingerbread people
Aldous: Bicycle wheel snowman
Aldous: Hampden hubcap tree
Aldous: The tree and me
Aldous: Houses neatly arrayed in Yuletide glory
Aldous: Kevin in the red light district
Aldous: Space age candy canes
Aldous: Firey spiral
Aldous: A pair of snowflakes
Aldous: The traditional Christmas whatchamacallit
Aldous: Star of Bethlehem, burning bright
Aldous: Fuzzy star of Bethlehem
Aldous: Low lies his head, with the beasts of the stall...
Aldous: Chilly Willy says 'Enough with the Jingle Bells, already...'
Aldous: One of these things is not like the others...
Aldous: Zombie bear carousel
Aldous: OK, to calculate the cost of maintaining these lights, take the average kilowatt hours, now multiply by 24...
Aldous: Carly thinks 'Soon, Santa will be here!'
Aldous: Forget all this Christmas crap. Go Ravens!