Aldous: Welcome to Hoboken...
Aldous: Welcome to Mars Hill Primitive Baptist Church
Aldous: Brian Tenudo
Aldous: Jesse Pearlman Karlsberg
Aldous: Stephanie Steuver
Aldous: Emma Stevens and Lee Bradley
Aldous: Trebles
Aldous: Marvin Reeves
Aldous: Jenny Steuver
Aldous: Rex Wilkes
Aldous: Hannah Lee
Aldous: David Lee and local newspaper reporter
Aldous: David Lee
Aldous: David Lee and reporter 2
Aldous: Basses
Aldous: Shane o'Neal
Aldous: David Lee and the light shining in
Aldous: Johnny Lee
Aldous: A fine class in Hoboken
Aldous: Singing is a family affair...
Aldous: Tenors
Aldous: Kathy Lee
Aldous: More trebles
Aldous: Shane o'Neal & Riley Lee
Aldous: Shane and Riley, co-chairs
Aldous: John Etheridge
Aldous: Mary Crawford and Trevor East
Aldous: Louis Hughes
Aldous: Mary Elizabeth Lee and April Dell