Aldous: Greg Mulkern
Aldous: Blurry basses
Aldous: Altos
Aldous: Thom
Aldous: Robert Stoddard
Aldous: Diane Mennella and altos
Aldous: Greg and Susan Bingham
Aldous: A rare glimpse of sunlight
Aldous: Holly Laws
Aldous: Violet Krumbein
Aldous: Guy Bankes
Aldous: Guy in action
Aldous: Vertical Guy
Aldous: Trebles and sunlight
Aldous: Ted Stokes
Aldous: Ernest Blake
Aldous: Dean
Aldous: Guy anchoring the bass section
Aldous: Treble trio
Aldous: Laura Densmore lights Thom's birthday cake, while Thom aids the cause
Aldous: Thom sings Happy birthday to me!
Aldous: Doorway Greg
Aldous: Fleeting Peggy
Aldous: Meetinghouse Road
Aldous: Crystal Burnham
Aldous: Paula Picton
Aldous: Paula 2
Aldous: Eileen
Aldous: Altos and trebles
Aldous: Rachel Speer, Dean, Greg and Nathan Rees