Aldous: Slightly shaggy and apparently bemused. The inevitable result of a roadtrip to Michigan...
Aldous: Old Varitek Bros. sign
Aldous: Varitek Bros. Auto Service
Aldous: With Grandma
Aldous: Gettin' crazy with Grandma
Aldous: More familial goofiness
Aldous: It's fun to be silly at Grandma's
Aldous: Singing at Carly's in Baltimore
Aldous: With Baltimore peeps
Aldous: Baltimore singers + Mo
Aldous: Chairtop Carly
Aldous: Carly Dance
Aldous: Nora Dance
Aldous: Freestylin'
Aldous: Uh-oh...
Aldous: Behatted Nora
Aldous: Somewhere in northern Maryland
Aldous: For the wages of sin is death...
Aldous: Lincoln Square, Gettysburg
Aldous: Around the roundabout...
Aldous: Gettysburg Address
Aldous: Equestrian statue on Cemetery Hill
Aldous: Gettysburg cattle
Aldous: On Cemetery Hill
Aldous: Gettysburg Cemetery gate
Aldous: Post-Civil War dead
Aldous: No vision of the morrow's strife...
Aldous: New York
Aldous: Unknown
Aldous: The numbered dead