Aldous: Forlorn Greek Revival farmhouse near Dixboro, MI
Aldous: Leaning Dixboro tool shed
Aldous: Steven and his soon to be spotless wine glass
Aldous: Casa del Steven
Aldous: Lookin' down Steven's street
Aldous: Jill and Steven with Oliver
Aldous: Jill and Steven with Oliver 2
Aldous: Steven and his new turban, of sorts
Aldous: Noah representin'
Aldous: Noah
Aldous: Lou and Lou
Aldous: Steven and Noah
Aldous: Forester
Aldous: Forester 2
Aldous: Forester test drives his new bike
Aldous: Hey man, you're bliocking traffic...
Aldous: Mary with Chancellor
Aldous: Domestic squalor at the old homestead
Aldous: Post-tornado living room
Aldous: John and Patty
Aldous: Marissa as Oriole
Aldous: OK, here's how you throw a left-handed curveball
Aldous: Hand tree
Aldous: It's got me!
Aldous: In the palm of its hand...
Aldous: My new chariot
Aldous: Sporty, yet practical...
Aldous: Barefoot and newly mobile
Aldous: Barefoot and newly mobile (cropped)
Aldous: Sibling rivalry