Aldous: The stage is set
Aldous: A wedding band, of sorts
Aldous: David the ringbearer
Aldous: The groom and Mr. David Wood
Aldous: Couple
Aldous: Laurent's friend
Aldous: Fiddlin' for the bride and groom
Aldous: Singin' for the bride and groom
Aldous: Sam and Betsy
Aldous: More singin'
Aldous: Beltin' it
Aldous: Ceremonial moment
Aldous: Mr. Wood looks on
Aldous: Doin' the ring thing
Aldous: Vows
Aldous: More ringside activities
Aldous: More vows
Aldous: Mr. Wood and Mr. Charlet
Aldous: Perma-pucker
Aldous: Here's a zippy little number...
Aldous: Chow time!
Aldous: The dinner hour
Aldous: Emily and Matt
Aldous: Open door policy
Aldous: Thai picnic
Aldous: Edouard toasts the bride and groom
Aldous: The wedding party, poorly lit, but cheerful nonetheless
Aldous: Cutting cake by candlelight
Aldous: More cake-cutting
Aldous: Is good cake, no?