aldella: Hello, #shopkitty! Thufi patrols the screen stash.
aldella: thufir busted engaging in species normative behavior.
aldella: Fwd: Stwing!
aldella: Fwd: Thufir Hawat!
aldella: co-napper
aldella: paper therapy.
aldella: Fwd: Pounce!
aldella: Fwd: Jump!
aldella: Thufir and friend
aldella: Thufiboogalooo
aldella: Fwd: Color-fir
aldella: Thufir boogaloo
aldella: Fwd: Thufir in the labyrinth
aldella: Thufir and paper!
aldella: busted!
aldella: Thufir on kiki
aldella: bad kitty
aldella: thufir v. offcuts
aldella: cat in a leopard print bag
aldella: thufir is into the holiday festivities
aldella: shop kitty
aldella: slinky shop kitty
aldella: sleepy thufir
aldella: kitten lit
aldella: IMG_0006.JPG
aldella: shop kitty
aldella: Thufir
aldella: IMG_8227.JPG
aldella: thufir
aldella: thufir