alconway: Crusader vs. Caped Crusader
alconway: English!
alconway: 1950s bar room?
alconway: I pooped a golf ball
alconway: Hazard!
alconway: Captain Ratarsed
alconway: Genuine Primate
alconway: Good Shield
alconway: Good Shield
alconway: Power Robin
alconway: Crotch Bash
alconway: Fridge
alconway: Singstar
alconway: iPod Squeezer Face
alconway: Rowboat>Pileup
alconway: Power Rowboats
alconway: Costume Dance Off
alconway: Doad, Sminky and Kate8
alconway: D Man
alconway: Jimmy Snizzle
alconway: Poodle Juice
alconway: iPod in his Poods costume
alconway: Chain Mail Superstar
alconway: Slash
alconway: DJ Poodle
alconway: Captain iPod
alconway: White Shirt Convention
alconway: Is that a bat in your pants?
alconway: Katman and Robin