yinyang: After hours
yinyang: What I see....
yinyang: 23 inches is too small
yinyang: Another view from the door....
yinyang: View from the door....
yinyang: tap. slide. pinch.
yinyang: Slightly updated workspace - still WIP
yinyang: shrinking iPhone packaging
yinyang: where it all happens
yinyang: looking for a ride
yinyang: Where it all happens
yinyang: in the company of giants
yinyang: the replacement (27/366)
yinyang: MBP & ACD
yinyang: night time view
yinyang: never underestimate the power of the force...
yinyang: floating display
yinyang: Seeking other labbits online.....
yinyang: afternoon light
yinyang: DSC_0013.JPG
yinyang: @ home