en menut:
A l'antiga - Old School
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Súpergent - Superpeople
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El cavaller errant - The Errant Knight
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El vampir i la mestressa - The vampire and his mistress
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Això és el que jo en dic una perruca! - That's what I call a wig!
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Súpergent - Superpeolple
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En Bob i en Bumblebee - Bobspounge and Bumblebee
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Aquests no sé què són - These I don't know what they are
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Ei, he fet la foto per les banderes, malpnesats! - Hey, I did the photo because of the flags, you dirtyminds!
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These are the voyages...
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Compte amb el drac negre! Escup àcid! - Beware the black dragon! It spits acid!
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Compte amb el drac! - Beware the dragon!
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Les mateixes pedres
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Hi havia una vegada, a Brussel·les... - Once upon a time, at Brussel...
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Des de dalt de la Torre CN - Up from the CN Tower