alberto_d: Dwarf Chef of Dubious Merit....
alberto_d: Corn Exchange
alberto_d: The Push
alberto_d: Manhole Cover
alberto_d: Ciabatta Pizza or Yorkshire Pizza?
alberto_d: Cheese Straws
alberto_d: Cheese and Bacon Roll
alberto_d: Sweets
alberto_d: Yummy!!!
alberto_d: Wet Afternoon
alberto_d: Ladies and Gentlemen... the Doors!!!
alberto_d: Beverly Minster
alberto_d: The Minster
alberto_d: Parish Hall
alberto_d: Inside the Minster
alberto_d: The Minster
alberto_d: Beverly Minster
alberto_d: Beverly Minster
alberto_d: Twin Doors
alberto_d: The French Touch
alberto_d: Ye Olde Pork Shoppe
alberto_d: Towards St. Mary's Church
alberto_d: St. Mary's Church
alberto_d: North Bar