albert23it: Tra i giunchi.....
albert23it: city ​​bike
albert23it: Roadside....
albert23it: SS16 Maglie Otranto
albert23it: a life in red
albert23it: pigeons curious
albert23it: uliveto salentino
albert23it: red in the world
albert23it: "Candido 1859" anche quest'anno.........
albert23it: Filari
albert23it: C' è un grande prato verde.......
albert23it: UNDER TREE
albert23it: COLORI D' AUTUNNO
albert23it: appena caduta.........
albert23it: stones of the sea...
albert23it: the forest road
albert23it: VITA DA.........GATTI
albert23it: L' attesa....
albert23it: Profumi d'autunno
albert23it: alla scoperta di Lecce
albert23it: Otranto, Cattedrale
albert23it: walking on the beach
albert23it: l'estate se ne va.........
albert23it: on the beach
albert23it: old style
albert23it: QUIET WOMAN....?
albert23it: the flight
albert23it: BACK HOME
albert23it: Woman in red
albert23it: sweetness