Albert-Jan Pool: Gerrit Noordzij quoted at ATypI
Albert-Jan Pool: Erich Alb’s homage to Frutiger at ATypI São Paulo.
Albert-Jan Pool: Claudio Rocha after signing Tupigrafia 11
Albert-Jan Pool: Claudio Rocha signing Tupigrafia 11
Albert-Jan Pool: Announcement for the Tupografia 11 launch party
Albert-Jan Pool: Why do Spanish not speak in Museo?
Albert-Jan Pool: Do Russians really speak in all caps only?
Albert-Jan Pool: That’s how you do a cedilla in sans serif signage lettering.
Albert-Jan Pool: Cornel quoted on monopoly
Albert-Jan Pool: counters or gas bubbles?
Albert-Jan Pool: Frutiger’s life as seen by Erich Alb
Albert-Jan Pool: Debunking de Boer
Albert-Jan Pool: Found FF DIN in the bookshop opposite of FAAP.
Albert-Jan Pool: How can such a great academy have its logo done so badly?
Albert-Jan Pool: The law sometimes speaks German here ;–)
Albert-Jan Pool: ATypI & Comic Sans
Albert-Jan Pool: Sylexiad sucks
Albert-Jan Pool: forerunners of the Olympics
Albert-Jan Pool: Elementary design of tilde
Albert-Jan Pool: For Cinderella's shoe …
Albert-Jan Pool: forbidden characters: E
Albert-Jan Pool: São Paulo pragmatism
Albert-Jan Pool: Good old Helvetica
Albert-Jan Pool: ITC Eras in trOuble
Albert-Jan Pool: Wide vs narrow
Albert-Jan Pool: Sans with Slab Serif J
Albert-Jan Pool: This is where you can get your ya-ya’s out :–)
Albert-Jan Pool: Xão Paulo!
Albert-Jan Pool: São Paulo street art
Albert-Jan Pool: São Paulo street art