Albert-Jan Pool: Keith showing some of his works and methods
Albert-Jan Pool: Curing by boiling is risky (part 3)
Albert-Jan Pool: Curing by boiling is risky (part 2)
Albert-Jan Pool: Curing by boiling is risky (part 1)
Albert-Jan Pool: Amanda showing how to cure a quill
Albert-Jan Pool: Petra curing a quill
Albert-Jan Pool: Amanda showing how to cure a quill
Albert-Jan Pool: Amanda showing how to cure a quill
Albert-Jan Pool: Amanda showing how to cure a quill
Albert-Jan Pool: David Quay at his best ;–)
Albert-Jan Pool: David Quay getting better …
Albert-Jan Pool: Dispute between les dames
Albert-Jan Pool: Keith showing that it is not the quill which makes us feel that our letters are not good enough …
Albert-Jan Pool: Amanda showing us how to cut a quill
Albert-Jan Pool: Swashed variation of P by Amanda
Albert-Jan Pool: Swashes, inital and final strokes by Amanda on top of capitals by Keith
Albert-Jan Pool: Petra by me
Albert-Jan Pool: Me by Petra
Albert-Jan Pool: Keith Adams while writing italics
Albert-Jan Pool: Milestones in the history of the written latin script by Keith Adams