Albert-Jan Pool: Broken Dreams
Albert-Jan Pool: City of Broken Types
Albert-Jan Pool: City of Broken Types
Albert-Jan Pool: City of Broken Types
Albert-Jan Pool: Poorly executed reconstruction or fake?
Albert-Jan Pool: City of Broken Types
Albert-Jan Pool: German Fleischwolf
Albert-Jan Pool: Earlier this morning, I ran into this broken script.
Albert-Jan Pool: Earlier this morning, I ran into this broken script.
Albert-Jan Pool: Earlier this morning, I ran into this broken script.
Albert-Jan Pool: Earlier this morning, I ran into a broken script or two …
Albert-Jan Pool: Was man in dieser Stadt alles studieren kann / So many subjects one can study in this city :–)
Albert-Jan Pool: Last week, I ran into this broken script. This week, I'm back in Hamburg and having a cold. No running …
Albert-Jan Pool: Two souvenirs from Berlin. Which is the real one? Which is the real one to me?
Albert-Jan Pool: City of broken types
Albert-Jan Pool: Bahnhof Nikolassee