Albert-Jan Pool: Stop killing, start talking
Albert-Jan Pool: Nieuwe Wegen – CDA #4
Albert-Jan Pool: Nieuwe Wegen – CDA #2
Albert-Jan Pool: Defending Germany’s prosperity
Albert-Jan Pool: Gone with the Wind
Albert-Jan Pool: Neutronenbom – geen bedrijfsschade (neutron bomb – no object damage)
Albert-Jan Pool: Stop political history repeating itself
Albert-Jan Pool: Je suis Charlie
Albert-Jan Pool: Je suis Charlie
Albert-Jan Pool: Je suis Charlie
Albert-Jan Pool: Charlie ≠ Pegida
Albert-Jan Pool: Violence never aims at the roots of conflicts. We do.
Albert-Jan Pool: Paris - Zeichen der Solidarität
Albert-Jan Pool: Peace for Paris by Jean Jullien
Albert-Jan Pool: Runic vs Latin
Albert-Jan Pool: 2017: Mehr Farbe, weniger Angst