albedo20: ALL AMERICAN food
albedo20: Turkey leg
albedo20: Some pig
albedo20: Art chairs
albedo20: Storming the Golden Gate Bridge
albedo20: Giant San Francisco toothpick sculpture
albedo20: Giant San Francisco toothpick sculpture
albedo20: Funnel cake!
albedo20: Bonsai trees
albedo20: Golden Gate Bridge 75th anniversary photos
albedo20: Festive fair cakes
albedo20: Marin County Fair exhibits galore
albedo20: Awesome Independence Day outfit
albedo20: Preservation Hall Jazz Band
albedo20: Preservation Hall Jazz Band
albedo20: Preservation Hall Jazz Band
albedo20: Saving spots by the lake
albedo20: Marin County Fair panorama
albedo20: Fair rides
albedo20: Niman ranch hot dog
albedo20: Waiting to see The Temptations
albedo20: Golden Gate Bridge worker photo trap
albedo20: Ready to watch fireworks from Aquatic Park
albedo20: Ready to watch fireworks from Aquatic Park
albedo20: Fireworks at Aquatic Park
albedo20: Fireworks at Aquatic Park
albedo20: Fireworks at Aquatic Park