alazaat: Madaba
alazaat: Spring at Dhiban
alazaat: Pink house again
alazaat: Grave yard of Dhiban
alazaat: Muslims Grave yard of Dhiban
alazaat: Mesha!
alazaat: Sohaileh cliff
alazaat: Dead sea as seen from Sohaileh cliff
alazaat: Road in Sohaileh cliff
alazaat: Wadi Mujeb from Sohaileh heights
alazaat: Me by Ghaith
alazaat: Khaled on the cliff
alazaat: Ghaith on the cliff towards Wadi Mujeb
alazaat: Strutcure over a large old water well
alazaat: Nice wall details
alazaat: The black iris
alazaat: Sheep herd
alazaat: Mesha with Ghaith
alazaat: Jordanians loved etching stones since King Mesha's (900 BC)
alazaat: Straight natural line in stone
alazaat: "Hurra" hourse (the free female horse)
alazaat: Running with Hurra
alazaat: Farmer from Dhaiba village
alazaat: New houses at Dhaiba village
alazaat: Dhaiba elementary school, built in 60's and closed now by government!
alazaat: Khaled seen from an abandon house
alazaat: Village house
alazaat: Beautiful house at Dhaiba village of Dhiban.JPG
alazaat: Ghaith and Khaled seen from the cave
alazaat: Byzantine cross inside a cave