ALA TechSource: Librarians Doing DDR!
ALA TechSource: Jenny and Marilee Gleen Getting Ready to Dance!
ALA TechSource: Michael Stephens chatting just before signing copies of is "Web 2.0 & Libraries: Best Practices for Social Software" issue of Library Technology Reports
ALA TechSource: Jenny and vendor(!) playing DDR!
ALA TechSource: Jenny prepping for DDR at the ALA TechSource Booth
ALA TechSource: Slide from Marc Smith's presentation
ALA TechSource: Slide from Marc Smith's presentation
ALA TechSource: Slide from Marc Smith's presentation
ALA TechSource: Marc Smith
ALA TechSource: Audience Question
ALA TechSource: Marc Smith
ALA TechSource: danah boyd
ALA TechSource: danah boyd
ALA TechSource: Kate Vincent
ALA TechSource: The Crowd
ALA TechSource: More Crowd
ALA TechSource: Mary Schaff
ALA TechSource: Audience Questions
ALA TechSource: Do you participate in a social network?
ALA TechSource: Howard Rheingold
ALA TechSource: Do you publish a blog?
ALA TechSource: Do you regularly read blogs?
ALA TechSource: a safe environment...?
ALA TechSource: Slide from Rheingold's Presentation
ALA TechSource: More Talking Heads
ALA TechSource: Sociall Savvy Expert Panel: Stephens, Rheingold, Boyd, and Smith
ALA TechSource: Howard Rheingold
ALA TechSource: Does your library have a blog for your users? (Audience Response)
ALA TechSource: In your professional opinion...