alastc: Opening from Dave and Stuart
alastc: Dave at the start
alastc: Jo Reid on the 4 quadrants
alastc: Some ideas for an audio guide app
alastc: Jo Reid and Tom Melamed
alastc: Alastair Summerville
alastc: Nic explores our feather brained creation
alastc: Touch is difficult
alastc: Joe explains his internet bunny
alastc: Mathias shows the UX of cars
alastc: Mathias shows a 'zone of proximal development' equivelent
alastc: Oli Shaw talks through Trojan Mice
alastc: Clare Reddington explains playing with street furniture
alastc: Simon's complex brain talk
alastc: View from the balcony
alastc: Bristol Harbour and cranes