ALA staff: Mario Kart
ALA staff: Boom Blox fun
ALA staff: Dance Dance Revolution
ALA staff: Mario Kart
ALA staff: Dance Dance Revolution
ALA staff: Dale Lipschultz, ALA's Literacy Officer, introduces Nancy Williams from the Verizon Foundation
ALA staff: ALA President Loriene Roy announces Presidential Citation winners for gaming in libraries
ALA staff: Playing Ticket to Ride
ALA staff: playing Ticket to Ride
ALA staff: playing 10 Days in....
ALA staff: Ingenious play
ALA staff: Rock Band
ALA staff: Rock Band
ALA staff: Rock Band
ALA staff: Rock Band
ALA staff: Rock Band
ALA staff: Rock Band
ALA staff: playing Boom Blox was a blast (no pun intended)
ALA staff: after the open gaming session, a few of us did a podcast