geefour907: Misty Fjords flightseeing with Taquan Air
geefour907: Up, up and away over Tongass Narrows and Ward Cove
geefour907: Our pilot: Dale
geefour907: High above Revillagigedo Island
geefour907: Misty Fjords National Monument in the distance
geefour907: Snow-capped peaks even in mid-August!
geefour907: A mixture of fjords, lakes and forests
geefour907: Plenty of fish in those lakes
geefour907: Dale checks the tide tables
geefour907: Several lakes have Forest Service cabins for public use
geefour907: Glaciers scraped these hillsides clean
geefour907: Awesome views from 4,500 feet
geefour907: Wow!
geefour907: New Eddystone Rock
geefour907: Dale loves this wilderness!
geefour907: Barren rock faces contrast with forested mountains
geefour907: Check out the waterfall!
geefour907: A mini-crater lake!
geefour907: Impressive peak!
geefour907: GPS system in the cockpit keeps us on course
geefour907: Coming in for a landing on the fjord
geefour907: Still waters DO run deep--about 1,000 feet here
geefour907: Having a great time in Misty Fjords Nat'l Monument
geefour907: Other nature fans on the flight--from Tennessee
geefour907: Fresh landslides leave bare slabs of granite
geefour907: Take off
geefour907: New Eddystone Rock--a different view
geefour907: Ketchikan from above