AlaskaNPS: WRST_early_century_fires_map
AlaskaNPS: CopperRiver_FireHistoryPoster
AlaskaNPS: Spring Pile Burning @ McCarthy University Subdivision (2012)
AlaskaNPS: Spring Pile Burning (2012) - McCarthy University Subdivision
AlaskaNPS: Fall pile burning (2012)
AlaskaNPS: Fall 2012 Pile Burning
AlaskaNPS: Crew thinning
AlaskaNPS: 2011 Thinning
AlaskaNPS: Wrangell St.Elias University Subdivision Monitoring Plots
AlaskaNPS: Fire is a natural part of the boreal forest and tundra ecosystems in AK
AlaskaNPS: Chakina Fire Severity Map
AlaskaNPS: WRST McCarthy (6)
AlaskaNPS: WRST McCarthy (5)
AlaskaNPS: WRST McCarthy (4)
AlaskaNPS: WRST McCarthy (3)
AlaskaNPS: WRST McCarthy (2)
AlaskaNPS: WRST McCarthy (1)
AlaskaNPS: WRST McCarthy (9)
AlaskaNPS: WRST McCarthy (8)
AlaskaNPS: WRST McCarthy (7)
AlaskaNPS: 2010- 1 yr post-fire
AlaskaNPS: 2009-5 days pre-fire
AlaskaNPS: 2009- 1 mo. post-fire
AlaskaNPS: 2010- 1 yr post-fire
AlaskaNPS: 2009- 1 month post-fire
AlaskaNPS: 1998- 11 yrs pre-fire
AlaskaNPS: 2010- 1 year post-fire
AlaskaNPS: 2009- 1 mo. post-fire
AlaskaNPS: 1997- - 12 yrd pre-fire
AlaskaNPS: ChakinaFire_20090804