AlaskaNPS: Unnamed waterfall, Nizina River
AlaskaNPS: Iceberg lake at the toe of the Nizina Glacier
AlaskaNPS: Crevasses on the Nizina Glacier
AlaskaNPS: Flying low over the Rohn Glacier
AlaskaNPS: Upper Rohn Glacier
AlaskaNPS: Tributary to Rohn Glacier
AlaskaNPS: Tributary to Rohn Glacier
AlaskaNPS: Snow & Ice, Upper Frederika, Wrangell Mountains
AlaskaNPS: Rainbow, Frederika Glacier in background
AlaskaNPS: Castle Peak (on right) and Flood Creek near Skolai Pass
AlaskaNPS: White River
AlaskaNPS: Lime Creek, tributary of The White River
AlaskaNPS: Looking toward Chisana from White River
AlaskaNPS: White River, Solo Creek & Solo Creek Airstrip (on left)
AlaskaNPS: White River
AlaskaNPS: Lime Creek, tributary of The White River
AlaskaNPS: Wiley Creek, tributary of the White River
AlaskaNPS: Wiley Creek, tributary of The White River
AlaskaNPS: Iceberg lake on the Russell Glacier
AlaskaNPS: Russell Glacier
AlaskaNPS: Chitistone Pass (on left) and waterfall above Skolai Pass
AlaskaNPS: Hole-in-the-Wall Glacier near Skolai Pass
AlaskaNPS: Cliffs and waterfalls at Skolai Pass
AlaskaNPS: Regal Glacier (left), Chimney Mt. (center), Rohn Glacier (right)
AlaskaNPS: Rain in the Wrangell Mountains
AlaskaNPS: Toe of Nizina and Nizina Lake (only 40 years old)
AlaskaNPS: The Mile High Cliffs along the Nizina River
AlaskaNPS: Rain in Chitistone Canyon
AlaskaNPS: Old route to the Bonanza Mine
AlaskaNPS: The remains of the Jumbo Mine