AlaskaNPS: Blackburn From Lake 2 - Donoho Basin
AlaskaNPS: Backpackers Bushwhacking in Donoho Basin
AlaskaNPS: Backpackers Near Lake 2
AlaskaNPS: Porphyry Mountain and National Creek Rock Glacier From Donoho Basin
AlaskaNPS: Backpacker along Lake 2
AlaskaNPS: Kennicott Glacier and Hidden Creek Pass
AlaskaNPS: Mount BlackBurn and Kennicott Glacier Portrait
AlaskaNPS: Kennicott Glacier Portrait
AlaskaNPS: Panoramic View from Wilderness Boundary - Donoho Basin
AlaskaNPS: Hiking the Kennicott Glacier Lateral Moraine (3)
AlaskaNPS: Hiking the Kennicott Glacier Lateral Moraine (2)
AlaskaNPS: Hiking the Lateral Moraine of the Kennicott Glacier (3) - Donoho Basin
AlaskaNPS: Kennicott Glacier Lateral View - Donoho Basin
AlaskaNPS: Hiking the Lateral Moraine of the Kennicott Glacier (2) - Donoho Basin
AlaskaNPS: Sunset Panoramic View from West Side Root Glacier Campsite
AlaskaNPS: Hiking the Lateral Moraine of the Kennicott Glacier - Donoho Basin
AlaskaNPS: Kennicott Glacier Crevasses with Blackburn
AlaskaNPS: Kennicott Glacier Crevasses
AlaskaNPS: Hiker viewing Kennicott Glacier near Wilderness Boundary - Donoho Basin
AlaskaNPS: Hiking the Kennicott Glacier Lateral Moraine
AlaskaNPS: Lateral Morain of the Kennecott Glacier
AlaskaNPS: Kennicott Glacier near Wilderness Boundary - Donoho Basin
AlaskaNPS: Gates Glacier From Lake 3 - Donoho Basin
AlaskaNPS: Least Sandpiper - Calidris minutilla
AlaskaNPS: Semipalmated Plover (2) - Charadrius semipalmatus
AlaskaNPS: Semipalmated Plover - Charadrius semipalmatus
AlaskaNPS: Lake 3 Panoramic View - Donoho Basin
AlaskaNPS: Filtering Water at Lake 2
AlaskaNPS: Morning Reflections from Lake 2 - Donoho Basin
AlaskaNPS: Lake 2 Morning Light