Alaskan Eero: Heading across the Golden Gate Bridge!
Alaskan Eero: My studio, first day
Alaskan Eero: Last days for Kate McGraw at VSC
Alaskan Eero: Kate McGraw in the final day of her 1 yr studio project
Alaskan Eero: Maple tapping supplies...
Alaskan Eero: My room...
Alaskan Eero: Beginning of "The Meeting Place"
Alaskan Eero: Big icicles on the Red Mill
Alaskan Eero: Jenine teaches Judith to moonwalk
Alaskan Eero: Judith and the icicles
Alaskan Eero: Judith hangs her icicles
Alaskan Eero: Emily Trick and Jenine Marsh
Alaskan Eero: Judith Hoffman
Alaskan Eero: Heinrich Toh!
Alaskan Eero: Judith and Jenine
Alaskan Eero: Jenine Marsh
Alaskan Eero: Jenine Marsh and the jump
Alaskan Eero: Art jumping---me!
Alaskan Eero: Art of jumpint
Alaskan Eero: Art jumping
Alaskan Eero: My paintings up for the final crit
Alaskan Eero: Beginning of "Beset"
Alaskan Eero: View of Johnson/VSC from my studio window
Alaskan Eero: Mixing that sexy paint!
Alaskan Eero: Paws of "The Pet" aka "The Exorcist"
Alaskan Eero: Alex, Heinrich and MaDora, iphones at the ready
Alaskan Eero: Heinrich Toh, MaDora Frey and Alex Sicotte-Levesque
Alaskan Eero: Living room in Pearl
Alaskan Eero: The beginning of "The Pariah"
Alaskan Eero: Hands of The Pariah