Alisha Lars: Warping peg w/ all yarn. Back of peg is "center"
Alisha Lars: Remove yarn from peg, keep hand at center.
Alisha Lars: Finger still keeping center.
Alisha Lars: Cut at center. SCARY.
Alisha Lars: Two ends.
Alisha Lars: Tie one overhand knot or weavers' knot
Alisha Lars: Tie both.
Alisha Lars: Bring close to loom.
Alisha Lars: Gently roll back bar to gather yarn on back bar.
Alisha Lars: Wind warp yarn onto back bar until warp threads are close to front bar of loom.
Alisha Lars: Warp threads are just long enough to graze front bar.
Alisha Lars: Flip one knot of yarn over back of heddle. Keep other to front.
Alisha Lars: Front knot of yarn to be woven through eyes of heddle/reed.
Alisha Lars: Untied ends to be woven through eyes.
Alisha Lars: Untied ends on bottom, top knot of ends over heddle.
Alisha Lars: Insert hook into eye. Use hook to catch one end at a time.
Alisha Lars: Pull end (piece of yarn) through eye with hook
Alisha Lars: Keep pulling ends through eyes. Make sure not to skip one or thread the wrong end through an eye.
Alisha Lars: Keep threading. Helpful to take a couple inches at a time and keep the rest off to the side.
Alisha Lars: When finished, get another few inches in position.
Alisha Lars: 1/4 eyes threaded.
Alisha Lars: 1/2 eyes threaded.
Alisha Lars: 1/2 eyes threaded. Already threaded ends pushed to side, not-yet-threaded tossed over top of heddle.
Alisha Lars: Almost done.
Alisha Lars: Threading eyes with hook..
Alisha Lars: All eyes threaded. Check your work to make sure nothing was skipped.
Alisha Lars: Finger comb and untangle.
Alisha Lars: Start in the middle. Use weaver's knots.
Alisha Lars: Add from each side, 1-2 inches per group.
Alisha Lars: Tied off. Weavers' knots.