Alisha Lars: And my ottoman poofs. Ooooh, shiny.
Alisha Lars: And here's my couch. Must find a blanket.
Alisha Lars: Here's my chair and ottoman. I need a pillow!
Alisha Lars: And THIS is my bedroom. The human went a little overboard, no?
Alisha Lars: There's the bathroom. Nice, eh? Hope my bottom will fit in that tub.
Alisha Lars: Here's my new kitchen. The movers are very lazy -- didn't even open the box.
Alisha Lars: Oooh, Bumblebear brought lunch! Prawns! Mmmmm.
Alisha Lars: Oh, look, Bumblebear came to visit!
Alisha Lars: This is my new table and chairs.
Alisha Lars: This is my guitar. I shall learn to play, and I will wake up the Blythes.
Alisha Lars: He's naked. And has a slit in his back.
Alisha Lars: Only wearing panties!
Alisha Lars: My Piggy Bank