Alan Stanton: Tottenham Marshes - looking northward
Alan Stanton: Tottenham Marshes - northward #2
Alan Stanton: Like Spinach
Alan Stanton: Cyclist on Tottenham Marshes
Alan Stanton: Strimming
Alan Stanton: Barges & Ducks (or Canada geese?) on the Lee
Alan Stanton: Flotilla
Alan Stanton: Towpath on the Lee - View towards Stonebridge Lock
Alan Stanton: Towpath on the River Lee - Detail
Alan Stanton: River Lee reflections
Alan Stanton: Lee barge
Alan Stanton: Rusty pipe.
Alan Stanton: Glimpsed through "the leafy banks of the River Lee" #1
Alan Stanton: This is not a bridge . . . but could have been
Alan Stanton: Reaching Ferry Lane Bridge
Alan Stanton: River Lee from Ferry Lane
Alan Stanton: Under Ferry Lane bridge #2
Alan Stanton: No Exit
Alan Stanton: In harmony with nature
Alan Stanton: Mill Mead Road - more natural harmony
Alan Stanton: Concrete canyons rising higher
Alan Stanton: Newlon's New Newness
Alan Stanton: Block # 1 Slab City - Tottenham Hale
Alan Stanton: Slab City # 2
Alan Stanton: Hale "Village" southeast block