alan shapiro photography: A Vulture waiting patiently for the photographer
alan shapiro photography: A Vulture striking a highly dignified pose.
alan shapiro photography: Sitting pretty
alan shapiro photography: waiting for a handout
alan shapiro photography: Seagull Stalkers
alan shapiro photography: Seagull trying to shower
alan shapiro photography: When Vultures have nightmares
alan shapiro photography: Getting comfortable out on a limb
alan shapiro photography: More of my favorite birds
alan shapiro photography: "I feel pretty. Oh so pretty. I feel pretty and witty and...c'mon, everybody sing along!"
alan shapiro photography: Another of my favorite birds
alan shapiro photography: One of my favorite birds
alan shapiro photography: Bird channeling Al Pacino
alan shapiro photography: Got a new "do" and feeling fabulous.
alan shapiro photography: Condor doing his best Peter Lorre impersonation
alan shapiro photography: contemplating November
alan shapiro photography: Turkey thankful not at all
alan shapiro photography: Joe Pesci as a Bird
alan shapiro photography: Hornbill in need of aspirin
alan shapiro photography: And on the eighth day, after He was well rested, he showed us his sense of humor
alan shapiro photography: too much beauty for one bird
alan shapiro photography: Crow off to a punk rock concert
alan shapiro photography: Feathers with lots and lots of hairspray