alan shapiro photography: We're singin' in the rain, just singin' in the rain... part 1
alan shapiro photography: Flower having a bad hair day
alan shapiro photography: A tulip for Jenny
alan shapiro photography: Singin' in the rain Part 2
alan shapiro photography: Tired of singing in the rain
alan shapiro photography: Looking for a seat with as much legroom as possible (yet another interesting Friday morning commute into Manhattan)
alan shapiro photography: eternally vigilant
alan shapiro photography: Traffic Cones? Oh no, dear friends. Me thinks not.
alan shapiro photography: NYC Bike Messenger
alan shapiro photography: Roy looking suave
alan shapiro photography: Madison Square Park Reverie
alan shapiro photography: Sunsetting on the Upper West Side
alan shapiro photography: Always wanted to see my name in lights
alan shapiro photography: Window to the soul or the dungeon. Or both
alan shapiro photography: Throwin' away the keys
alan shapiro photography: Totally into it.
alan shapiro photography: If you can keep your head when all about you are losing theirs and blaming it on you
alan shapiro photography: Another day, another decision to match her wardrobe to a nearby mural
alan shapiro photography: Venice Beach Skateboarders 6
alan shapiro photography: Venice Beach Skateboarders 7
alan shapiro photography: Venice Beach Skateboarders 7b
alan shapiro photography: Venice Beach Skateboarders 7c
alan shapiro photography: Venice Beach Skateboarders 10
alan shapiro photography: Venice Beach Skateboarders 11
alan shapiro photography: Venice Beach Skateboarders 2b
alan shapiro photography: Venice Beach Skateboarders 9a
alan shapiro photography: Venice Beach Skateboarders 9b