1Alan_M: Glasgow Cathedral - Radiant
1Alan_M: Fly Past - Red Arrows & QE2
1Alan_M: The Whole of the Arc
1Alan_M: Portencross
1Alan_M: Falkirk Wheel
1Alan_M: Fireworks - Focus Burst
1Alan_M: Painting With Flash
1Alan_M: Fire
1Alan_M: Bus Crash, Great Western Rd, Glasgow
1Alan_M: Mugdock Castle
1Alan_M: Green Kibble
1Alan_M: Stirlingfauld Demolition
1Alan_M: Fireworks Frame
1Alan_M: Titan - Clydebank
1Alan_M: Aurora
1Alan_M: Norfolk Court Demolition - Glasgow, 3rd October 2010
1Alan_M: St Peter's Seminary, Cardross
1Alan_M: Aurora
1Alan_M: GoMA