PETEJLB: Northern Shoveler
ReiK@n: Whooper Swans (Cygnus cygnus)
Philip Wood Photography: Kaiapoi Lakes, Canterbury, New Zealand.
crawforddav: Collared palm thrush
belas62: Upupa Epops, Τσαλαπετεινός, Common Hoopoe
christensenbruce320: _DSC5788-SharpenAI-focus (3)
Tim Gutsell's Photostream.: Chiffchaff ( phylloscopus collybita )
Tim Gutsell's Photostream.: Eurasian jay ( garrulus glandarius )
Tim Gutsell's Photostream.: Long tailed duck ( clangula hyemalis )
Tim Gutsell's Photostream.: Peregrine Falcon ( falco peregrinus )
Tim Gutsell's Photostream.: Cuckoo ( cuculus canorus ) male.
Tim Gutsell's Photostream.: Kingfisher ( Alcedo atthis )
Tim Gutsell's Photostream.: Buzzard ( buteo buteo )
Tim Gutsell's Photostream.: Short eared owl ( asio flammeus) )
anacm.silva: White-browed babbler
gseloff: Between Cacti (Cactus Wren)
gseloff: Preparing To Pounce (Loggerhead Shrike)
sdawesy1: Leopard with fresh Impala Kill (Panthera pardus)
wildbird2015: Fernbird ( Bowdleria punctata )
ChicagoBob46: On the hunt
Terry Carew: Hitching a Ride
unixchris: Greater flamingo, Mallorca
anacm.silva: White-fronted Chat
Ian N. White: Greater Striped Swallow (Cecropis cucullata)
anacm.silva: Red-capped robin
anacm.silva: Tawny frogmouth
Ferrarezi - The art of painting with a camera: Fradinho (Stephanophorus diadematus)
Jmawnster: Gray-crowned Rosy-Finch