charness: Heath dishing it out on offense
charness: Riding Santonio's Coattails
charness: Mewelde, falling a yard short
charness: View from the line of scrimmage
charness: Hines, redeeming himself in overtime
charness: Gage tying it up at 7 each
charness: Kickin' it with Jeff Reed for the victory
charness: Heath catching the ball
charness: Ben, relieved after the overtime win
charness: Happy belated birthday Dick
charness: Former governer, and Steelers fan
charness: Art II's team now
charness: Smilin' LaMarr
charness: Coach looking intense, and ready to go
charness: James Harrison, focused as always
charness: Welcome to Pittsburgh, Stefan Logan
charness: Enjoying the game
charness: Ladies in my row