Antiporda Productions LV, LLC: First Sail and First Photo on FLICKR
Antiporda Productions LV, LLC: Drew piloting down the Channel
Antiporda Productions LV, LLC: Bringing us to port - Standing on the seat
Antiporda Productions LV, LLC: Are you sure you secure the lines?
Antiporda Productions LV, LLC: Seeing her for the 1st time
Antiporda Productions LV, LLC: 33.5 ft Hunter Sailboat - Lovely
Antiporda Productions LV, LLC: Bow image - no bust
Antiporda Productions LV, LLC: Can we please set sail?
Antiporda Productions LV, LLC: Quit gabbing, let's go
Antiporda Productions LV, LLC: Finally underway
Antiporda Productions LV, LLC: Trim the jib and quit looking at the Telltales
Antiporda Productions LV, LLC: The furling Mainsail
Antiporda Productions LV, LLC: Trying to stand-up straight
Antiporda Productions LV, LLC: Lovin' the ocean