Alan_Simmons: Broad Street, Hereford
Alan_Simmons: Gaol Street, Hereford
Alan_Simmons: East Street, Hereford
Alan_Simmons: Castle Green, Hereford
Alan_Simmons: Elgar by Jemma Pearson, Cathedral Close, Hereford
Alan_Simmons: East Street, Hereford
Alan_Simmons: East Street, Hereford
Alan_Simmons: Castle Green, Hereford
Alan_Simmons: Castle Green, Hereford
Alan_Simmons: East Street, Hereford
Alan_Simmons: East Street, Hereford
Alan_Simmons: Castle Green, Hereford
Alan_Simmons: Harley Court, Hereford
Alan_Simmons: Castle Green, Hereford
Alan_Simmons: Elgar by Jemma Pearson, Cathedral Close, Hereford
Alan_Simmons: Hereford Cathedral
Alan_Simmons: Bridge Street, Hereford
Alan_Simmons: Bridge Street, Hereford
Alan_Simmons: Bridge Street, Hereford
Alan_Simmons: King Street, Hereford
Alan_Simmons: Behind St Francis Xavier Church, Hereford
Alan_Simmons: Union Street, Hereford
Alan_Simmons: Gaol Street, Hereford
Alan_Simmons: Bath Street, Hereford
Alan_Simmons: Church Street, Hereford
Alan_Simmons: High Town, Hereford
Alan_Simmons: The Old House, High Town Hereford
Alan_Simmons: Shire Hall and St Peter's Square, Hereford
Alan_Simmons: St Owen Street, Hereford
Alan_Simmons: St Owen Street and Cantilupe Street, Hereford