NI.Aviation: 9H-MLE A320 Avian Express Malta Parked on stand 11@Belfast International /EGAA
NI.Aviation: G-EZDR A319 EZY on stand 12@Belfast International /EGAA
NI.Aviation: 9H-MLE A320 Avian Express Malta Parked on stand 11@Belfast International /EGAA
NI.Aviation: G-JMCZ B734F NPT Parked up on stand 9 @Belfast International /EGAA
NI.Aviation: G-RUKI B737-8 RUK @Belfast International /EGAA
NI.Aviation: OE-IJH A320 EJU on stand 26@Belfast International /EGAA
NI.Aviation: OE-IJH A320 EJU on stand 26@Belfast International /EGAA
NI.Aviation: OE-IJH A320 EJU Over looking from the top of the steps over to the cargo ramp watching the evening sunset