Alan_Davies: Here comes Andrew's engine
Alan_Davies: Backing onto the carriage
Alan_Davies: 4566 - GWR 2-6-2 (Small Prairie)
Alan_Davies: Gents (detail)!
Alan_Davies: 4566 and the woodshed
Alan_Davies: D1062 - 'Western Courier' at Bewdley station
Alan_Davies: Railway refreshments
Alan_Davies: In the engine shed
Alan_Davies: Shelves of stuff
Alan_Davies: In the engine shed looking the other way!
Alan_Davies: Replica of Trevithick's 'Catch Me Who Can'
Alan_Davies: 43106 - 'My engine'
Alan_Davies: Filling up
Alan_Davies: Approaching the Victoria Bridge
Alan_Davies: The Severn - looking downstream
Alan_Davies: The Severn - looking upstream