Alan Cressler:
Akers Mill, Rottenwood Creek Gorge, Chattahoochee River National Recreation Area, Cobb County, Georgia 1
Alan Cressler:
Akers Mill, Rottenwood Creek Gorge, Chattahoochee River National Recreation Area, Cobb County, Georgia 2
Alan Cressler:
Akers Mill, raceway, Rottenwood Creek Gorge, Chattahoochee River National Recreation Area, Cobb County, Georgia 1
Alan Cressler:
Akers Mill, raceway, Rottenwood Creek Gorge, Chattahoochee River National Recreation Area, Cobb County, Georgia 2
Alan Cressler:
Anas platyrhynchos, Azalea Park, Morgan Falls Lake, Chattahoochee River, Fulton County, Georgia 2
Alan Cressler:
Asplenium pinnatifidum, East Palisades, Chattahoochee River National Recreation Area, Fulton County, Georgia 2
Alan Cressler:
Jones Bed Rock Mortar, Chattahoochee River, Gwinnett County, Georgia 2
Alan Cressler:
Jones Bed Rock Mortar, Chattahoochee River, Gwinnett County, Georgia 4
Alan Cressler:
Jones Cupules, Chattahoochee River, Gwinnett and Fulton Counties, Georgia 9
Alan Cressler:
Big Creek (Vickory Creek), Old Roswell Mill Dam, Chattahoochee River National Recreation Area, Roswell, Fulton County, Georgia 1
Alan Cressler:
Big Creek Falls, Big Creek, Chattahoochee River National Recreational Area, Roswell, Fulton County, Georgia 1
Alan Cressler:
Big Creek Falls, Big Creek, Chattahoochee River National Recreational Area, Roswell, Fulton County, Georgia 2
Alan Cressler:
Big Creek, Chattahoochee River National Recreational Area, Roswell, Fulton County, Georgia 1
Alan Cressler:
Branta canadensis, Chattahoochee River, at Jones Bridge, Chattahoochee River National Recreation Area, Gwinnett and Fulton Counties, Georgia 4
Alan Cressler:
Branta hutchinsii, Morgan Falls Lake, Chattahoochee River, Fulton County, Georgia 1
Alan Cressler:
Branta hutchinsii, Morgan Falls Lake, Chattahoochee River, Fulton County, Georgia 2
Alan Cressler:
Carex picta, male flowers, Rottenwood Creek Gorge, Chattahoochee River National Recreation Area, Cobb County, Georgia 1
Alan Cressler:
Chattahoochee River, Chattahoochee National Recreation Area, Fulton and Gwinnett Counties, Georgia 1
Alan Cressler:
Chattahoochee River, Chattahoochee River National Recreation Area, Cobb and Fulton Counties, Georgia 1
Alan Cressler:
Chattahoochee River, Chattahoochee River National Recreation Area, Jumping Rock, Cobb and Fulton Counties, Georgia 1
Alan Cressler:
Chattahoochee River, Chattahoochee River National Recreation Area, Jumping Rock, Cobb and Fulton Counties, Georgia 2
Alan Cressler:
Chattahoochee River, Chattahoochee River National Recreation Area, below Powers Ferry Road, Cobb and Fulton Counties, Georgia, Jeff Riley 1
Alan Cressler:
Chattahoochee River, Gwinnett and Fulton Counties, Georgia 1
Alan Cressler:
Chattahoochee River, at Jones Bridge, Chattahoochee River National Recreation Area, Gwinnett and Fulton Counties, Georgia 16
Alan Cressler:
Chattahoochee River, at Jones Bridge, Chattahoochee River National Recreation Area, Gwinnett and Fulton Counties, Georgia 3
Alan Cressler:
Chattahoochee River, at Jones Bridge, Chattahoochee River National Recreation Area, Gwinnett and Fulton Counties, Georgia 6
Alan Cressler:
Chattahoochee River, at Jones Bridge, Chattahoochee River National Recreation Area, Gwinnett and Fulton Counties, Georgia 7
Alan Cressler:
Chattahoochee River, below Buford Dam, Chattahoochee River National Recreation Area, Gwinnett-Forsyth Counties, Georgia 2
Alan Cressler:
Chattahoochee River, below Powers Ferry Road, Cobb County, Georgia 1
Alan Cressler:
Chattahoochee River, below Powers Ferry Road, Cobb and Fulton Counties, Georgia, Jeff Riley 2