Alan Cressler: Freeman Pit, Giles County, Virginia, Marion Smith, Paul Aughey, and a Cat 1
Alan Cressler: Corkscrew Cave, Taswell County, Virginia, Terry McClanathan 2
Alan Cressler: Corkscrew Cave, Lunch Room, Taswell County, Virginia, Terri Brown 1
Alan Cressler: Corkscrew Cave, Taswell County, Virginia, Terri Brown, top of 332 ft pit 1
Alan Cressler: Corkscrew Cave, 332 Foot Pit, Taswell County, Virginia, Manuel Beers 1
Alan Cressler: Corkscrew Cave, 332 Foot Pit, Taswell County, Virginia, Marion Smith 1
Alan Cressler: Corkscrew Cave, 332 Foot Pit, Taswell County, Virginia, Manuel Beers and Marion Smith 1
Alan Cressler: Scott County Blowhole, Scott County, Virginia, Marion O. Smith 1
Alan Cressler: Natural Tunnel, Downstream Entrance, Scott County, Virginia 1
Alan Cressler: Natural Tunnel, Downstream Entrance, Scott County, Virginia 4
Alan Cressler: Omega Cave System, Wise County, Virginia, Blowing Hole Entrance, second pit, Mike Ficco 2
Alan Cressler: caines cave, purchase ridge, scott county, virginia, dave stahl, mae kile 1
Alan Cressler: caines cave, purchase ridge, scott county, virginia, dave stahl 2
Alan Cressler: perkins cave, poor valley, east side clinch mountain, washington county, virginia, helictites 8
Alan Cressler: perkins cave, poor valley, east side clinch mountain, washington county, virginia, elliot stahl 1
Alan Cressler: perkins cave, poor valley, east side clinch mountain, washington county, virginia, philip rykwalder 1
Alan Cressler: perkins cave, poor valley, east side clinch mountain, washington county, virginia, helictites, jason ballensky 2
Alan Cressler: perkins cave, poor valley, east side clinch mountain, washington county, virginia, helictites 2
Alan Cressler: perkins cave, poor valley, east side clinch mountain, washington county, virginia, helictites 1
Alan Cressler: perkins cave, poor valley, east side clinch mountain, washington county, virginia, helictites 3
Alan Cressler: perkins cave, poor valley, east side clinch mountain, washington county, virginia, helictites 4
Alan Cressler: perkins cave, poor valley, east side clinch mountain, washington county, virginia, helictites 6